NeoDesk 3 / DEMO VERSION September 12, 1990 ------------------------ This is the freeware demonstration version of NeoDesk 3. Follow these instructions to try out the program. This copy is freeware and may be distributed free of charge. It remains copyright of Gribnif Software, all other rights are reserved. Overview -------- NeoDesk 3 is a complete replacement for the built-in desktop that comes with the Atari. It is the easiest and most affordable way to realize your Atari's true potential. NeoDesk 3 adds many new features and enhancements over the original desktop, while keeping full compatibility with your current and future software. Not only will your computer be more powerful, it will also be much easier to use. It doesn't get any simpler. NeoDesk 3 is the ultimate upgrade for your Atari ST. How to Install -------------- While NeoDesk 3 can easily be installed so that it comes up whenever you turn on the computer, this demonstration version is not designed to work that way. To try out this demo version, double-click on the NEOLOAD.PRG file. Be sure to leave the rest of the files in the archive intact, since it needs them. NeoDesk 3 will load and install itself in memory. Important Note: You cannot quit this demo version. Doing so will cause a system reset. Be sure to only run this demo after you are sure that you can safely reset the computer. Things to Check Out: -------------------- NeoDesk has hundreds of new features and enhancements available, but these are some of the more popular features you should to try out: o File Clipboard - Store files and folders temporarily in memory while changing floppy disks, paths, or reorganizing your hard disk. You can think of it sort of an automatically expanding and shrinking ramdisk. The File Clipboard grows and shrinks according to the files you place within it. o Desktop Notes - Write important notes, numbers, and more right on the desktop itself. Simply double-click on the desktop itself and a cursor will appear. [Esc] clears the line. o Desktop Icons - Place commonly used programs, files, and folders directly on the desktop. You can then select the icon and use "Install Desktop Icon..." to rename the icon and assign a unique key to it. Selecting that key will select and open the icon. o Custom Icons - Assign different icons (each with its own color) to any file or folder. This makes it much easier to locate and manage them. Many icons are included, with more available. o Icon Editor - This multiple window Icon Editor lets you edit and modify custom icons for any file or folder. Includes a complete set of drawing tools. Select "Edit Icons..." to call it. Double-click on any icon to edit it, on the desktop to edit it. o Split-Windows - Easily split a window so that it will display two different parts of the same directory. Very useful when copying or manipulating files. To do this, drag the "Split Window Bar" under the window information line to any window position. o "Select All" Ability - A new window button (left of the bottom horizontal bar) lets you select all the files in a single directory, even if they don't fit in the window. You can even keep files selected while you scroll the window to a new location by holding down the [Shift] key. o Independent Windows - Each window can be set to display text or icons, independently of each other. Each window can even have its own sorting and text options. The new button at the lower left corner of the window toggles a window between text or icons. o Smart File Copying - No more useless disk swaps. In a very efficient and fast manner, as many files and folders that will fit into all the available memory are read in at once. Even hard drive owners benefit from this enhancement. o Smart Disk Copying - NeoDesk can automatically detect the type of format of the original disk and format the destination disk to match it. You can even copy identical hard disk partitions. o Macros - Automate any series of desktop operations like opening windows, copying/deleting files, executing programs, etc. Then assign them to any key on the keyboard. Select the menu entry once to start recording and a second time to end recording. Does not record inside of running programs or in dialog boxes. o Active Icons - Drag any group of files to any program icon and that program will be automatically executed with all the selected files as parameters. o Search Files - Easily search your system for that missing file. When found it will open a window to it, scroll to the file, and select it. o File Templates - Up to six file templates are supported. For example, you could have a single window display all files ending in both ".TXT" and ".DOC" endings. o Disk Formatting - You can specify 9 or 10 sector format, number of tracks, and even use the newer "Twister" option. o Reorder Mode - You can easily reorder any directory on your system. Select it once to enter the reorder mode, a second time to exit it. o Enhance File "Show" - Can display Degas, Degas Elite, and NeoChrome pictures. Right mouse button goes forward a page, left mouse button back a page. o Enhanced Install Application - You can select the type of application you are using, should NeoDesk unload for it, and more. Disabled Features ----------------- The following major features are disabled in this demo version: o You cannot run programs. o You cannot complete a file copy or move operation. The operation will seem to take place (so you can get an idea of the time and speed it takes) but it will never be completed. o You cannot "Save Configuration..." o You cannot format a disk (though you can look at the format box). o You cannot "Print Directory..." o You cannot save edited icons, .NIC files, or desktop patterns. o You cannot actually reorder a directory, though you can see how it works. Comments -------- NeoDesk 3 has many other features which are only hinted at in this demo version. Features like a new enhanced Control Panel with its own screen saver and corner clock, Printer Queue, Print Directory function, and much more. NeoDesk 3 comes with a 140 page illustrated manual, two disks, several extra utilities (one can replace the system fonts), a recoverable trashcan for NeoDesk, and a neat box to hold it all. How to Order ------------ You can order your own personal copy of NeoDesk 3 for $69.95 by calling our toll free order line: 1-800-284-4742. You will receive ** FREE ** 2nd Day Air shipping. If you have any questions or comments about the programs, you can reach us at: Voice: (413) 584-7887 Fax: (413) 584=2565 Gribnif Software P.O. Box 350 Hadley, MA 01035 U.S.A.